Guiding Questions: What civic virtues do Americans value? How does the practice of civic virtues promote a healthy civil society?
Directions: Fill in the graphic organizer below as you read about the historical examples of Civic Virtues. James Madison has been completed for you as an example.
Person | Explanation of the Actions That Demonstrated Civic Virtues | This Shows the Civic Virtue(s) of… | Because… |
1. James Madison | Changed his mind on having a Bill of Rights | moderation and prudence | He was able to think about another point of view and ultimately adopt it. |
2. Elizabeth Eckford | |||
3. Dwight D. Eisenhower | |||
4. Jackie Robinson | |||
5. John Quincy Adams | |||
6. Harriet Tubman | |||
7. George C. Marshall | |||
8. Ida B. Wells | |||
9. Ulysses S. Grant | |||
10. Harry Truman and Arthur Vandenberg | |||
11. George Washington | |||
12. Charles Chibitty | |||
13. Abraham Lincoln |
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Grade Level | 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 |