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National Planning Practice Guidance (PPG) is an extensive online resource of detailed policy guidance provided by the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government.
Along with the NPPF (National Planning Policy Framework), PPG sets out how the government envisages the day to day working of the planning system in England to operate.
NPPF and PPG does not apply in Wales, Scotland or Northern Ireland as they have their own devolved planning systems.
PPG is an online only resource that was first published by government in March 2014 and is subject to frequent updates and revision.
The list of topics covered includes:
- Advertisements
- Air quality
- Appeals
- Appropriate assessment
- Before submitting an application
- Brownfield land registers
- Build to rent
- Climate change
- Community Infrastructure Levy
- Consultation and pre-decision matters
- Crown development
- Design: process and tools
- Determining a planning application
- Effective use of land
- Enforcement and post-permission matters
- Environmental Impact Assessment
- Fees for planning applications
- Flexible options for planning permissions
- Flood risk and coastal change
- Green Belt
- Hazardous substances
- Healthy and safe communities
- Historic environment
- Housing and economic land availability assessment
- Housing and economic needs assessment
- Housing needs of different groups
- Housing for older and disabled people
- Housing: optional technical standards
- Housing supply and delivery
- Land affected by contamination
- Land stability
- Lawful development certificates
- Light pollution
- Making an application
- Minerals
- Natural environment
- Neighbourhood planning
- Noise
- Open space, sports and recreation facilities, public rights of way and local green space
- Permission in principle
- Plan-making
- Planning obligations
- Renewable and low carbon energy
- Rural housing
- Self-build and custom housebuilding
- Strategic environmental assessment and sustainability appraisal
- Town centres and retail
- Transport evidence bases in plan making and decision taking
- Travel Plans, Transport Assessments and Statements
- Tree Preservation Orders and trees in conservation areas
- Use of planning conditions
- Viability
- Waste
- Water supply, wastewater and water quality
- When is permission required? has an extensive catalogue of articles and guides which help explain the town planning system in England.
See below for links to some of our most popular pages or use the search function and menus at the top of the page.